Simple Beginnings

Films began as silent, black and white motion pictures with nothing but music to listen to as the audience watched the scenes unravel. Due to the inability to have script in a movie, the filmmakers and actors had to use excessively dramatic expressions in order to convey the story. The first film was produced in 1885, and it simply portrayed a train arriving at the station. This was the kick start for many short films after and led to films such as The Birth of  a Nation, which was released in 1915 and was over 3 hours in length. The Birth of a Nation was the first film to display the true ability for the cinematic industry. The film made over 18 million dollars over 20 years which was the highest grossing film until Snow White and her dwarves waltzed into the industry. The Birth of a Nation had evident and oppressive racial implications, which was controversial then as well as now, but that does not negate the cinematic genius that the film was. The film makers used camera techniques which are still used today such as close ups and fade outs. With the films great success and ground breaking techniques, The Birth of a Nation easily makes its way into the list of influential films.

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