Snow White

The magnificent tale of a young girl and her seven peculiar, bearded friends has surpassed the test of time as one of Disney’s greatest films. The story telling, film making, and innovation involved in Snow White and the Seven Dwarves  is a first of its kind. The great vision of Walt Disney, combined with the story that the Grimm Brothers gave us combined for an earth shattering film.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves was quite possibly Walt Disney’s greatest film he had a personal hand in. The film making process required countless hours and new innovations at many turns. In order to produce the film which such vivid animation and color, hundreds of artists were called in to make thousands of drawings which were put together in a unique way in order to create the fine film. Disney used a multi-plane camera to give the vivid images depth, and the entire process took over 4 years to complete along with an unheard of $1.7 million. Disney won an honorary Oscar for the film for its innovation and joy that it brought to the industry and the world.

The film came out on VHS in 1994 and became the most sold VHS of all time, surpassing other great films such as Aladdin. Needless to say, the film grossed millions of dollars and was a great success and still is today.

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