To Kill a Mockingbird

A well-known book as a well as a movie, To Kill a Mockingbird is a heartfelt film telling of the evils within racial prejudice. The film follows Scout and Jem, the children of a lawyer named Atticus. The film goes as we watch the many struggles that racial prejudice ensues and many lessons are learned by Scout. Atticus is placed to defend a falsely accused black man for the rape of a white woman. The film plays out with the narration by the voice of an older Scout Finch. The audience watches as the town demonstrates prejudice and Atticus struggles against it.

The film was made in 1962 off the Pulitzer-Prize winning novel written by Harper Lee. The film ran for two hours and 10 minutes, receiving 8 Academy Award nominations and winning 3 of its nominations. Atticus is played by Gregory Peck, who received a Best Actor award for his moving performance. This movie was the peak of his career. Gregory Peck made lasting friendships through this film that carried on through his death in 2003.The film also marked the debut of the well-renowned actor Robert Duvalle as the hero Boo Radley. Although he is only in a few minutes of the film, he plays possibly the biggest role.

4 thoughts on “To Kill a Mockingbird

  1. I hate to be “that guy” but I liked the book way better than the movie. We read and watched it in my freshman English class in high school, and the movie just can’t get across all of the concepts that gave the book its deep insight into the workings of America before the Civil Rights Movement. It was a great movie, and Gregory Peck did a phenomenal job as Atticus though.


    • I completely agree, movies can only convey so much in 2 hours that a 200 page book can. Both are worth taking the time to read and watch!


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